The acetic acid contained in this type of vinegar has a similar function to that of hydroxycitric.

While the majority of weight-loss supplements on the market either boost metabolism or suppress appetite, several products available are intended to alter the process of nutrient absorption and/or subsequent metabolism. Roughly 25 percent of the survey participants believed weight loss supplements have fewer side effects than over-the-counter or prescription medications because they're natural. Perhaps most importantly, 85 percent of the people who said they lost any weight while taking a weight loss supplement were also following a diet or exercise program, which may have been the true cause of the weight loss. " In reality, side effects are common, with about half of survey participants who took supplements reporting at least one side effect.

Currently, there are at least 14 separate HCA-containing products sold over-the-counter to consumers labeled as garcinia cambogia. We have had apple cider vinegar (which has made many a comeback over the years), green tea (which has earned some merit in scientific studies), hoodia (which just does not manage to produce the research results that will make it a front-runner), willow bark (or salicylic acid which is good for aches and pains but not as efficacious for slimming), and good old caffeine (which has a diuretic effect thus helping you lose weight until you replenish the water in your body, and also a stimulant effect when taken in large quantities that can be potentially dangerous), to name but a few. " Most people are drawn to the idea of using GC because of the potential that it can provide near-effortless, quick weight loss without the need to change someone's overall diet or lifestyle very much. The key active ingredient found in the rind of garcinia cambogia is hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which some research suggests can help certain people lose weight ( 1 )

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Since then, it has become available all across the world, and while its proposed effects on weight loss are still hotly debated in many fitness and health fad circles, the extract of garcinia cambogia does appear to have a number of other health effects on the body that are beneficial in various ways. And this meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials - published in 2011 - found that Garcinia extract (hydroxycitric acid) might cause short-term weight loss.